5 C's for building a professional presentation


Hearers should, both at the beginning and during the PowerPoint presentation, see and understand the context. The context is a representation of the total overview.

Parts of the presentation such as text, images, animations or movies only get significant  meaning in this context. Through this context or connection, listeners are included in the story and stay hooked.


The content of the presentation must be sincere and transparent. The objective of the PowerPoint presentation must be clear for the audience from the beginning.

By building up the content of the presentation well structured, listeners are guided to their own conclusion. A conclusion that leads to the desired objective of the presentation.


The various components of the PowerPoint presentation should be consistent and correct. Only in this way the audience can be convinced about the reliability.

This is the only way in  which the audience will be guided to the desired conclusion in an honest way.


Relevant images combined with sounds will lead to a right balance between content and presentation in PowerPoint presentations. Text acquires meaning through images and sound.

This combination encourages thinking, imagining and ultimately inspiration. Inspiration leads to action.


Each target audience will experience the PowerPoint presentation from their own in perspective.

Prospects and customers appreciate your presentation in a different way than investors or employees. Decision makers have different values to evaluate a presentation then users or influencers. The right balance between content, “tone of voice” and design leads to the “correct” interaction and thus inspiring your audience.