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Inspire with PowerPoint

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Stop boring presentations!

Five years ago, Danny Romeijn, one of the founders of PPT Solutions, was attending the umpteenth boring presentation in his life. A PowerPoint with a lot of bullet points and too much text. The speaker's story was not very convincing and Danny knew he could do much better. This led to the creation of PPT Solutions in 2015 and we now work with more than 25  professionals who turn boring PowerPoints into inspiring and impressive presentations.
So stop giving boring presentations and let us help you to inspire your audience!

"It all turned out really nice."

"The process went very smoothly. Communication was flexible, patient and quick. Contact was friendly. NS is a large and, to outsiders, rather complex company. It's not easy to present a profile and strategy in an accessible manner, with a comic note here and there. Deadline more than met and the presentation turned out really nice."

Tycho Hoff
Communications Consultant

"Rapid feedback & service-oriented."

"Communication with PPT Solutions went very smoothly: rapid feedback, service-oriented, no-nonsense, personal and informal. The process exceeded expectations: we got more than we asked for. It doesn't cease to amaze me that companies really get so little out of PowerPoint. PPT Solutions fills this gap perfectly!"

Danny Bok
Digital Communication

"Presentations to the next level."

"With its distinctive, high-quality presentations, PPT Solutions knows how to make the difference. This enables you to show your customers/prospects exactly what you want them to see. Collaboration with PPT Solutions helped us structure our content and took Staples' approach to PowerPoint presentations to the next level!"

Caby Brandenburg 
Commercial Director

From boring to inspiring presentations!

Less text, more visual slides

We often see presentation slides containing a lot of bullet points and a lot of text. When the presenter kicks off, the audience starts to read the slides. Result? The audience is distracted and the presenter's story doesn't get across very well. Our solution? We make bullet points visual, so that slides look nicer and your PowerPoint presentation supports the story you're telling. Using infographics and specific keywords can get your message across much better.
Make sure you got a good story and leave the design to us!

I want a visual presentation!

Interactive menu

You'll probably want to show a potential customer a different part of your presentation than the part you would show to an existing customer. After all,  you are not going to go over the company's history twice. You might want to show an existing customer other products or services and you don't want to go through all the slides individually, but go directly to the relevant chapter. The presentation becomes a kind of website which you can navigate through.
Use an interactive menu to show only the relevant slides! 

I only want to show relevant slides!

Your message step-by-step

When you give a presentation you want to engross the audience in your story. The best way to do this is to measure out the information in the background. If the text and infographics are already on the slide when you start presenting, the audience will be overwhelmed with information, and you will completely lose their attention. Make sure that the audience does not lose their focus because once you've lost their attention, it's very difficult to get it back.
We make sure that you keep the audience's attention!

I want to engross the audience in my story!

Be prepared

Knowing that you´ll have to give a presentation is one of the greatest anxieties for a lot of people.This is often because the speaker hasn't taken enough time to prepare. A good presentation starts with a solid storyline, one tailored to the target audience's needs. Ask yourself: "Do I know what I want to achieve with my presentation?". If not, we can schedule a brainstorm session to help you define the content and clarify your objectives.
We make sure you are prepared and can give inspiring presentations with confidence!

Help me to prepare!

All in the corporate identity!

As the person responsible for presentations, you want everyone in your organisation to work according to the corporate identity guidelines. You will notice that there are a lot of PowerPoint files on the server and everyone in your organisation is adapting them as they see fit. Sound familiar to you? We can help you by developing a template-set and a corresponding slide library. The advantages: Consistent presentations, preserved corporate identity and time saved.
Get the entire company to work in the corporate identity!

I need this!

PowerPoint experts!

Everything we do is geared towards realising objectives using professional Powerpoint presentations. This is all founded on three important cornerstones: The design first, the content being tailored to the target audience second and last but not least, the technology used during the presentation. A PPT Solutions presentation makes your message more appealing, makes it  more interesting for an audience to watch and it will make use of the latest technologies.
Our mission: Creating the most inspiring PowerPoint presentations.

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Like to know more about the range of options for your presentation? Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We can make an appointment to discuss the options at your or our office.

Do you have an urgent question? Give us a call on:

+31 (0)10 3070841