A managable PowerPoint template

The core of a presentation

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Consistent presentations

All users can create equal quallity presentations based on your corporate identity.

Saving time

Easy to make new presentations, revise existing slides or add new ones.

Preserve the corporate identity

Standard settings for typefaces, colors and other corporate identity elements.

Check the video demonstration below

Interested in a PowerPoint template?

Interested in a template?

Would you like to have a professional PowerPoint template-set, with which your employees can make new presentations that are truly unique and inspiring? We can help you with this! First we will discuss your requirements. Then we will actively incorporate your corporate identity into an inspiring design, making sure that every layout meets your needs. The result of this unique collaboration is a user-friendly and professional PowerPoint template-set.
The core of all PowerPoint presentations made by your entire organisation.

I'd like  a profesional template!

Styled to your requirements

One of the most profound annoyances of every marketeer is that not everyone communicates internally and externally using the corporate identity. Next to this there are usually multiple PowerPoint presentations flying around. The most creative employees create their own files which they think "looks better". Do you recognize this as being part of your company's culture? Create a single professional PowerPoint template-set based on the corporate identity.
A template-set that everyone can work with. One style in all your presentations!

Yes, i recognize this!

Using the correct layouts

We often see that PowerPoint templates used by various companies consist of a start slide and one single text slide with just a title. This gives users all the options available to be creative and create the most varied of presentations. But not taking into regard the corporate identity, it's elements or the correct colors. A professional template-set designed by PPT Solutions consists of a number of varied standard slides, image-slides and graphs, tables and charts.
These allow users to simply choose the layout they require, styled in the corporate identity.

I'd like a complete template-set

User-friendly instructions

The level of PowerPoint skills in an organization varies a lot between employees. With a template-set made by PPT Solutions, everyone in your organization can easily make inspiring presentations. That is because we add user-friendly instructions to our templates. These intructions can be found next to the slides as can be seen in the screenshot on the left. This provides everone with a short manual on how to best use the template-set correctly.
Adding user-friendly instructions guarantees uniformity in your PowerPoint presentations.

I want Uniform presentations!

What does one of our templates consist of?

What customers say about us

 "Looks very professional and original"

"The PowerPoint templates look very professional and original and are easy to use. The result was a pleasant surprise. It looks really nice and professional, even though the brief was not very detailed. The entire process went very smoothly, given that we only communicated by phone and email."

Mirjam Hectors, Product Manager, Concorp Brands

 "The collaboration was very good"

"PPT Solutions is a young and fresh company which provides help with PowerPoint presentations in every possible way. They not only make fantastic interactive PowerPoint presentations, but they also give courses and useful tips for making better PowerPoint presentations yourself. The collaboration was very good!"

Debby Overvliet, Marketing Manager, Servier NL

We already work for

PowerPoint template


Or give us a call!

Like to know more about the range of options for your presentation? Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We can make an appointment to discuss the options at your or our office.

Do you have an urgent question? Give us a call on:

+31 (0)10 3070841