4 questions in content creation for a Professional PowerPoint
24 februari 2015 

4 questions in content creation for a Professional PowerPoint

When you have to give a presentation, you’re storyline will be mainly fixed. You know what you want to say, after all, it is your idea or business plan. But there is a big difference between your overall story, and the story you have to convey in a short presentation to your audience. How do you create a good sales pitch presentation, business plan presentation or corporate presentation? These four questions are helpful when creating the content of your presentation:

– What are the objectives of the presentation?

With every sentence you speak, you should think about the overall purpose of the presentation. In this way, your story is coherent, which will lead to your desired outcome.

– What do you want your audience to remember?

How to summarize your message in one sentence? Make sure you develop a sentence that includes the content of the entire presentation. When your audience remembers this, you know that the message has been transferred.

– What is your call to action?

Be clear about what you want from the audience. Should they make a decision? Or form an opinion on the topic discussed by you? When you have this clear, you can motivate them to perform the desired action. Be open and clear herein.

– Which discussion do you want to achieve?

Obviously you want the audience to be involved in the subject and your presentation. How do you make this happen? Involve them in the story, by occasionally change the monologue to a dialogue. Ask questions and open a discussion.

In addition to the previously discussed key questions WHY, WHAT and WHO, these four questions will give you answers helping you to get a good structure to develop the content for an inspiring and professional PowerPoint presentation.

Curious about our approach, please contact us. We are the PowerPoint specialist, with an eye for content. To develop the best business presentations, we facilitate brainstorming sessions with our clients to create the right content for their presentation.

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